
Bring the sauce!

Variety is the spice of life and that is why Liana Reiners likes to always have a few sauces on hand when meals are served. It’s the fastest and easiest way to liven up any dish. Precisely for that reason, she believes you should have a few simple sauce recipes in your cooking arsenal.

Simply delicious!

Sure, meat is meat and man must eat. But there needs to be other things on the plate too… just for some colour. LIANA REINERS discovers that there are many more options besides salad and braaibroodjies and that preparing tasty side dishes need not be a difficult task.

Winter warmers

Winter is here! And when it starts to get cold, you want comfort food… something tasty, wholesome and easy to prepare. LIANA REINERS believes soup is just the thing.

Have your pie… and eat it

Making side dishes for winter braais can be a bit tricky. Salads simply won’t do and while you could also go the good old pap-and-sheba route, LIANA REINERS urges you to try the best thing since the humble braai broodjie… a braai pie!

The battle of birds and mice

Not many South Africans know that our country has overseas possessions. They are Marion and Prince Edward Islands in the Southern Ocean, 2 200km south-east of Cape Town. Completely uninhabited – save for a weather and research station on the larger Marion Island – the two sub-Antarctic islands are cold, windy, wet and inhospitable to humans. In marked contrast they are home to millions of seabirds and seals. Among this teeming life are thousands of albatrosses, some of which may be seen on birding tours out of Cape Town. John Cooper and Robyn Adams, of the Mouse-Free Marion Project, write about the islands’ albatrosses and the threats they face on Marion from diminutive House Mice.

A year in photos

With a new year comes new opportunities to make and capture memories. Marette Bennett of Refined Edges Wildlife Photography and Training gives us some tips and tricks to make the most of every season’s photographic journey.

Braking for birds

Andy Wassung of BirdLife South Africa, Is an lover of all things birding and gives you the tips of how to bird in The Kruger.

Getting close to nature

Marette Bennett from Refined Edges Wildlife Photography and Training shares tips on how to capture South Africa’s beautiful and rich fauna and flora.