Ultimate Kalahari Adventure


Date: 11-23 March 2021

Venue: Central Kalahari & Mabuasehube, Botswana

Cost: R15 500 per person

Includes: Camping & Park fees, Dinner

Excludes: Fuel, Lunch, Drinks, VHF radio hire

The Ultimate Kalahari Adventure offers you the very best that the Kalahari has to offer by visiting the Central Kalahari and Mabuasehube Game Reserves in one trip. If you love the wide-open spaces, camping wild in unfenced campsites and a night sky filled with stars, then you should definitely join us on this tour.

The Central Kalahari game Reserve (CKGR) is the largest, most remotely situated reserve in Southern Africa, and the second largest wildlife reserve in the world, encompassing 52 800 sq kms.The landscape is dominated by silver terminalia sand veldt, Kalahari sand acacias, and Kalahari apple leaf, interspersed with grasslands and dotted with occasional sand dunes, pans and shallow fossil river valleys. CKGR is unique in that it was originally established (in 1961) with the intention of serving as a place of sanctuary for the San, in the heart of the Kalahari (and Botswana), where they could live their traditional hunter/ gatherer way of life, without intrusion, or influence, from the outside world.

The Mabuasehube Game Reserve is located in the Kalahari Desert covering an area of almost 2,000 sq. km. The unforgiving desert terrain is characterised by high red dunes and scattered vegetation. In 1992 the reserve was incorporated into the Gemsbok National Park, and in 2000 it was also integrated into the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. The reserve’s name is derived from the Senalonga language, and means “red earth”. The reserve was once home to the San people, sometimes called Bushman, and to small groups of inhabitants called Kgalagadi.

This tour is limited to a maximum of 8 vehicles and is off-road trailer friendly.

For more information on this adventure, please contact:

Simon Steadman: 084 447 4666



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