Mercedes Benz Australia recently announced the release of a 2017 Merc G-PRO, a single-cab Gelandewagen built for hardcore off-road use. The G-PRO boasts some pretty impressive specifications, along with a number of accessories that are to be fitted as standard equipment – snorkel, dual-battery system, all-terrain tyres and a front after-market bulbar, to name a few.
Naturally, the big debate is: Will the G-PRO dethrone the Land Cruiser 79 Series? Well, we thought we’d let you decide by comparing a few pix and basic specifications.

Of course, specifications aren’t the only reason to buy a vehicle. Ultimately, G-Wagen fanatics will probably flood the dealer’s floor, and Cruiser fans will stay devoted to their brand. We suspect the G-PRO’s price tag will also be something to marvel at, and it will be interesting to see if Merc South Africa chooses to launch the vehicle here – given their new-found interest in the pick-up segment.
Either way, whether you’re in OZ or SA, very little intimidates the Cruiser crown, especially when its powered by a V8 turbo diesel… what an engine!